Configuring IP Multicasting and Multimedia Services
117355-C Rev 00
DVMRP Concepts and Terminology
DVMRP is a multicasting protocol that provides a mechanism for routers to
propagate multicast datagrams in a manner that minimizes the number of excess
copies sent to any particular network.
This section covers the following topics:
Neighbor Connections
In a DVMRP environment, neighbors are multicasting routers that are connected
directly or through a tunnel:
• Directly connected neighbors are routers that have an interface to the same
• Tunnel-connected neighbors are multicast routers that communicate through a
unicast network, exchanging DVRMP messages that are encapsulated in IP
In Figure 4-1
, for example, multicasting router A has two neighbors, router B and
router C. Router A and router B are connected directly -- they both have interfaces
to net 6. Router A and router C communicate through a tunnel that includes a
unicast router.
Topic Page
Neighbor Connections
Source Route Advertisements 4-4
How DVMRP Chooses a Route 4-5
Routing Table 4-6
Shortest-Path Trees 4-7
Tree Pruning 4-7
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