• You must be logged into the server as superuser. For more information, see Accessing
the server command line as superuser on page 115.
• You must be logged in to the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Web Administration
Console as administrator. For more information on logging in as an administrator, see
Logging on to the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Web Administration Console as an
administrator on page 16.
1. Change to the certificate keystore directory for the Avaya 3100 Mobile
Communicator - Client system: cd /opt/mobilitygw-2.1/server/
2. Delete the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Gateway server default keystore.
rm ssl-keystore
For extra security, you can back up the keystore before deleting it.
3. Generate the self-signed certificate keystore for the Avaya 3100 Mobile
Communicator Gateway server.
/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/keytool -genkey -validity
<valDays> -keyalg RSA -keystore ssl-keystore -alias smog-ssl
-keypass <password> -storepass <password>
4. Respond to the prompts. For the common name (first and last name), enter a fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) such as
5. Change ownership of the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Gateway server
keystore from root to mobility with the following command:
chown mobility:mobility ssl-keystore
chmod 755 ssl-keystore
6. Generate the client certificate (for installation on the client devices):
/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/keytool -export -keystore ssl-
keystore -alias smog-ssl -file ssl-keystore.der -storepass
<password> -keypass <password>
7. To create the certificate for the Windows Mobile users, enter the following command:
cp ssl-keystore.der ssl-keystore.cer
8. On the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Web Administration Console, select
System Configuration > Gateway Actions > Configure Gateway > Edit.
9. In the HTTPS certificate password field, enter <password>.
10. Click Save
11. Distribute the certificate to clients. For information about how to install certificates
on PC-based clients, consult the documentation provided with your web browser.
Generating a self-signed certificate for Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Gateway Server
Administration and Security October 2010 105
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