For information about how to install certificates on mobile clients see Client
certificate management on page 99.
Variable definitions
Variable Definition
<password> The password for the keystore.
<valDays> The number of days that the certificate is valid.
Range: 0 to 3600
Generating a self-signed certificate for Avaya 3100 Mobile
Communicator Gateway Administration Server
Generate a self-signed certificate as an alternative to enrolling with a Certificate Authority. Self-
signed certificates do not provide the same level of security as CA-signed certificates and
should be used only for test or demonstration purposes.
You must be logged into the server as superuser. For more information, see
Accessing the
server command line as superuser on page 115.
1. At the command line for Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator systems, change to the
certificate keystore directory:
cd /opt/mobilitygw-2.1/server/default/data
2. At the server command line, delete the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator Gateway
Administration Server default keystore.
rm admin-ssl-keystore
For extra security, you can back up the keystore before deleting it.
3. Generate the self-signed certificate keystore for the Avaya 3100 Mobile
Communicator Gateway Administration server.
/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/keytool -genkey -validity
<valDays> -keyalg RSA -keystore admin-ssl-keystore -alias
smog-ssl -keypass <password> -storepass <password>
Server certificate administration
106 Administration and Security October 2010
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